Seattle Public Schools


Student Advisory Board

Superintendent’s Student Advisory Board

The Superintendent’s Student Advisory Board consists of student representatives from each district high school. The advisory board creates space for student voice, advice, and perspectives to Superintendent Dr. Jones and school district leaders. The Student Advisory Board meets with the superintendent and district leaders throughout the school year to learn about the work of the district and to share feedback. This feedback is critical to the work moving forward and works to center our students in programming and impact in Seattle Public Schools

Our strategic plan, Seattle Excellence, calls on SPS to “partner with students, families, and communities who are furthest from educational justice by conducting inclusive and authentic engagement.” Superintendent Jones and his team are committed to working in partnership with the SAB to identify student needs, determine solutions, and support the implementation of the initiatives that will best meet the needs of students of color who are furthest from educational justice. To do this, the Student Advisory Board will explore a wide range of district priorities identified in Seattle Excellence and framed around Ensuring Educational and Racial Equity (Policy 0030). Read more about Policy 0030 and Seattle Excellence.

Student Advisory Board Application 2022-2023

The mission of the Student Advisory Board is to provide student voice and perspectives to the superintendent.

We understand each of our students in Seattle Public Schools brings a unique perspective and experience of school. The Student Advisory Board will focus on centering students who are furthest from educational equity. We are looking for students who are passionate about representing their experiences as well as the experiences of students at their schools.

Applications due: Friday Dec. 16, 2022 at 5 p.m.

Questions: Contact Traci Ikegami at